NRN Term Deposit Online Application NRN ID Card Details Do you have a valid NRN ID card to begin your application?* YesNo Front Face of NRN ID Card*.pdf, .jpg, .png, .jpeg (Max 3MB) Choose a file Back Face of NRN ID Card*.pdf, .jpg, .png, .jpeg (Max 3MB) Choose a file Upload a recent Passport Size Photo*.pdf, .jpg, .png, .jpeg (Max 3MB) Choose a file ID number* Issued By* ID Validity Date* Nominated - Personal Email Address** **Instructions/requests received from this nominated personal email address in relation to NRN term deposit will be acted upon by the bank as authorised without prejudice. Your Overseas Bank Account Details* You are required to inform us about any changes to your bank account details. Account Name* Account Number* Bank Name* Swift Code* Term Deposit Details Currency * —Please choose an option—USDGBPEURAUD Amount (Minimum amount is USD 1,000 or equivalent) * Tenure* —Please choose an option—2Years3Years Interest Payment Modality* —Please choose an option—MaturityQuarterly Interest earned (Total interest net of applicable tax and bank charges) to be remitted back to your overseas account* —Please choose an option—Each QuarterWith Principal at MaturityMaturity Instruction You can change this before the maturity of your contract by sending us a request email from your nominated personal email address. —Please choose an option—Remit back the entire funds including the interest earned to your overseas account in the same countryRenew the term deposit - at the prevailing interest rate, terms and conditions or as negotiated by the account holder with the bankConvert to Nepalese currency and transfer to another account in Nepal - Available only if account opening requirement of face to face verification has been completedPersonal Information Salutation* —Please choose an option—Mr.Ms.Mrs.Dr.Others First Name * Middle Name Last Name * Nationality* Gender * —Please choose an option—MaleFemaleOthers Date of Birth * Contact Number* Grandfather's Name* Father's Name* Mother's Name Spouse's Name Permanent Address* Current Address* Projected Annual Income (USD equivalent)* Source of Fund* —Please choose an option—SalaryBusinessRentalInvestmentInheritanceRemittanceNominee Details Would you like to add a Nominee? * YesNo Salutation —Please choose an option—Mr.Ms.Mrs.Dr.Others First Name Middle Name Last name Relationship with the nominee —Please choose an option—FatherMotherSonDaughterSpouse Contact Number Date of Birth Nominee Details Referral Via:* SelfFriends and FamilySocial MediaMarketing Representative Referred By: Self Declaration I confirm the information provided above are correct, the source of fund is not from terrorism, drug trafficking, human trafficking, and/or organised crime, and agree with the terms and conditions of Laxmi Bank Limited's account opening and any current and future prevailing local laws governing this service. Reset