List of Dormant Accounts Ashad 2076
List of accounts in dormant status for a period of above 10 years as on Ashad end 2076
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List of accounts in dormant status for a period of above 10 years as on Ashad end 2076
NRB directive 5/075: Following transaction limits to be applied to e-banking channels, effective May 2019.
Application Form for Laxmi Bank’s Corporate iBank.
Dashain Holiday Notice regarding banking operation timings during the holidays.
NRB directive 5/075: Following transaction limits to be applied to e-banking channels, effective July 2018.
Uncollected Dividend Notice for related shareholders. Please contact Laxmi Capital Market for additional details.
Dividend Notice for related shareholders. Please contact Laxmi Capital Market for additional details.
Notice as per right to information act 2064. Please find related information below.
01-5970684 (Customer Care Center)
Fax: 01 4544640/743
P.O. Box : 19593