Transaction Limit Effective from March 03, 2021
NRB directive 5/077: Following transaction, limits to be applied to e-banking channels, effective March 03, 2021.
To listen to messages please dial 1618014444743 through your phone (PSTN, CDMA, GSM, VSAT or Payphones).
NRB directive 5/077: Following transaction, limits to be applied to e-banking channels, effective March 03, 2021.
लक्ष्मी बैंक लिमिटेडको बीसौं वार्षिक साधाराण सभा सम्बन्धी सुचना
सुचना को हक सम्बंन्धी ऐन २०६४ को दफा ५ उपदफा (३) बमोजिमको विवरण देहाय बमोजिम रहेको छ
सुचना को हक सम्बंन्धी ऐन २०६४ को दफा ५ उपदफा (३) बमोजिमको विवरण देहाय बमोजिम रहेको छ
NRB directive 5/077: Following transaction, limits to be applied to e-banking channels, effective August 27, 2020
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