Online KYC Update
(Step 1 of 5)
Welcome to our Digital KYC Update & Account Activation platform
Thank you for going Green with us and adopting paperless way of banking. This service will also help Save Time so that you have more time to do what is more important to you.
If you need any assistance during the process you can reach us at 01-5970684 or
We're processing your request. Please wait for a while.
Please verify your contact details.
Sending you an OTP.
We're verifying your contact details. Please wait for a while.
Your contact details have been verified.
Your OTP has expired.
OTP request limit reached.
Error processing your request.
Application not found.
Please verify your account details.
We're verifying your account details. Please wait for a while.
Your account details have been verified.
We've sent a One Time Password(OTP) to your email address .
We've sent a One Time Password(OTP) to your mobile number .
We've sent a One Time Password(OTP) to your email address and mobile number .
You'll now be redirected to kyc update form.
Your OTP has expired. Please request a new one.
You have reached the OTP request limit of 3. Your contact details verification has failed and hence you can't proceed with opening account online.
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